martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


Fascinating city.

Since we were only there a weekend I'm just going to give you the pros and cons.


  • Sagrada Familia (last two pictures): Masterpiece by Guadi. It's still under construction. I love th project and the different styles that are used as architecture has evolved over 100 years.
  • Gaudi: Genuis/ crazy (the last five pictures). His work in Barcelona makes the entire town feel different
  • Mercado: Right at the center (picture number 4) of town, next to las Ramblas. A friend and I ate a traditional meal of cataluyna (the way they spell it). We got fish, potatoes, noodles, and a moose type dessert all for 3 euros.
  • Beach: One thing that Madrid is sadly lacking
  • Nationalism: Consider themselves a separate nation. Provides interesting contrast with Madrid.
  • Catalan: They speak this language here, not castillian Spanish (what is spoken in madrid and south america). Most people can speak both, but if you do speak to them in Spanish, they will revert to English.
  • Attitude: Goes along with the previous point. Seem to be a lot more uppity and meaner (in general) then people I have met in Madrid.
  • Touristy: Much more people speaking English, and more crowded than Madrid by far. This may cause the previous to cons.
  • Nationalism: This may too cause the attitude in Barcelona.
Enjoy the pictures.

Spanish Lesson:

In their efforts to make me a cool Spaniard, my family here wants to make sure I'm up on my slang. I too will try to teach you this skill with this vocabulary.

Giro: colloquialism

Molón: cool (adjective). Much better to say then guay,which is what little kids and parents say. I guess it would using groovy without being ironic.

Mazo: a lot, very (slang)

Pringado: Loser (pronounced prin ga o).

In other words: Say molón not guay if you want to not be

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