martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009


I'm just going to post some pictures from this trip and desribe them. Basically Andalucia is southern Spain: home of flamenco, bull fights, tapas, and arabic architecture.

In Andalucia we went to Granada, Sevilla, and Cadiz. The pictures above show some of the cooler buildings there. The Alhambra (the bottom picture) is an old arabic palace that looks over the city of Granda. Southern Spain is relatively hot (39 degrees celsius which is about 102 degrees farenheit), so it was kind of brutal to tour around, but we did plenty of things inside like learing how to dance flamenco at the Flamenco Museum. Look at facebook if you'd like to see more pictures.

I'm off to Galicia tommorow, but I'll write again after that.

(Sorry this post is kind of choppy. I've been on the internet to long trying to figure out travel plans.)

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