lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Sorry, forgot your Spanish lesson:

Here's a couple expressions I like that I've been hearing:

1. Anda mirando el ombligo (lit. = Walk around looking at your belly button) = be conceited/self absorbed

2. Cielos ( lit. = skies) = a mild oath (along the lines of the Shakespearean expression "zounds"). Interjection that can be used in basically any context.

e.g. Cielos hace calor hoy = Skies, it's hot today.

3. Joder = a versatile cuss word. I'm pretty sure it would translate to something pretty inappropriate, but you hear this all over the place in Spain. e.g. at dinner to express surprise or frustration, in a taxi when the driver gets lost, in class when the professor is angry that no one is talking, etc. So I'm not sure if they swear more or we are more prudish about it


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